Review of 13th NCMConference
13th NCMConferences: International Conference on New Challenges in Management and Business that take place in Dubai.
Keynote Speakers:
The Conference will address a range of critically important issues and themes relating to the management and business.
The main topics of the conference was:
Strategic Management:
- Organization structure; leadership; entrepreneurship and organizational purpose; methods and techniques for evaluating and understanding competitive, technological, social, and political environments; planning processes; and strategic decision processes Marketing
- Marketing Theory (contributions to marketing theory by disciplines of philosophy, social theory, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other related areas), issues and topics emerging in Marketing, empirical studies of marketing, practice Management of Marketing
- Conceptualizations of marketing, marketing needs to be “managed”, challenges in Marketing, social responsibility, green marketing, political marketing, marketing on the internet, Business-to-Business and Network Marketing, market integration Customer and consumer satisfaction research
- Customer satisfaction in the virtual environment, customer satisfaction of service delivery and staff concerned.
Business Management:
- Business decisions, processes, and activities within the actual business setting. Theoretical and empirical advances in buyer behavior, finance, organizational theory and behavior, marketing, risk and insurance, international business, and technological change.
- Human resource management: employee participation, human resource flow, reward systems and high commitment work systems, performance appraisal, changing corporate climates, intellectual capital, job satisfaction, job commitment, industrial relations, personnel management, training, employment, innovation management, knowledge management.
The Abstracts of accepted and registered articles have been published in conference proceedings book and CD. Moreover, the full papers will be reviewed (Double-blind Review) for publication in one of the following journals based on the aim and scope of the journals and the papers’ quality (design, methodology, analysis, discussion, language, and style): :
- International Journal of Organizational Leadership (ISSN 2383-1103, ISI Thomson Reuters, EBSCO, ProQuest)
- Marketing and Branding Research (ProQuest)
- Management Issues in Healthcare System (ProQuest)
- China Finance Review International (ISSN 2044-1398, Scopus, Thomson Reuters,…) (Emerald Publishing)
- Audit Financiar Journal (ProQuest, EBSCO)
- Management and Business Research Quarterly
- Heliyon (Abstracted and Indexed in Scopus and Thomson R