Top Cited Authors in Economics, Marketing, Management, Business
Top cited authors are those whose names and articles have been cited more than others, showing the validation of their works.
The more citation to an author the more influential he/she is.
Here is Google scholar sorting of the five most-cited authors in economics at all times, which can help you with finding the best references.
3 Highly Cited Authors in Economics
The first is Andrei Shleifer, a professor of economics at Harvard University. His most cited paper is “Law and finance” which is cited 43652 times since 1998.
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The second is Oliver E. Williamson, professor emeritus of economics and law at UC Berkeley. “The economic institutions of capitalism. Firms, markets, relational contracting” is his most cited article cited 48739 times since 2007.
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The third one is Paul R. Krugman, professor of economics and international affairs in Princeton. His paper “Increasing returns and economic geography” has been cited 15480 times since 1991.
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Kenneth J. Arrow is the 4th most cited author. He is a professor of economics emeritus at Stanford University with his most cited article “Social choice and individual values” which has been cited by 19977 since 2012.
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The 5th and last one is James Heckman, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, American Bar Foundation Research Fellow. His article “Sample selection bias as a specification error” has been cited 29406 times since 1979 and is his most cited article.
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3 highly Cited Authors in Marketing
Here is Google scholar sorting of the five most-cited authors in marketing at all times, which can help you with finding the best references.
First is Valarie Zeithaml, Marketing Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The title of her most cited paper which has been cited by 30715 articles since 1988 is “Servqual: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc”.
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The second is Leonard Berry, University Distinguished Professor of Marketing at Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. His most cited article is “Servqual: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc”. Since 1988, this paper has been cited 30715 times.
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The third is A Parasuraman, a Professor of Marketing at the University of Miami with his most cited paper, which has been cited 47209 times since 1988, titled “Servqual: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc”.
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5 Highly Cited Authors in Management
Here is Google scholar sorting of the five most-cited authors in management at all times, which can help you with finding the best references.
The first one is Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing at Kellogg School of Management. “Marketing management: A south Asian perspective” is his most cited paper with 75355 citations since 2009.
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The second is James G. March, Jack Steele Parker Professor of International Management, emeritus at Stanford University. His most cited paper is “A behavioral theory of the firm” which has been cited 31085 times since 1963.
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The third is Henry Mintzberg, Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University. “The. structuring of” is the title of his most cited paper with 21135 citations since 1979.
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Forth one is Geert Hofstede, Professor Emeritus of Organizational Anthropology and International Management at the University of Maastricht. The title of his most cited paper is “Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind” which is cited 86328 since 1991.
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The last one in this sorting is Stephen Boyd, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Management Science at Stanford. His most cited article is “Convex Optimization”. It has been cited for 46893 times since 2004.
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5 Highly Cited Authors in Business
Here is Google scholar sorting of the five most-cited authors in business at all times, which can help you with finding the best references.
The first one is Michael E. Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School. His most cited paper with 96753 citations since 2011 is “Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance”.
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Second is Kevin Lane Keller, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. His article, “Marketing management: A south Asian perspective”, is his most cited one since 2009 with 62177 citations.
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The third author is Richard R. Nelson, George Blumenthal Professor Emeritus of International and Public Affairs, Business, and Law at Columbia University. The title of his most cited paper is “An evolutionary theory of economic change” which is cited 41989 times since 2009.
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The fourth one is Barry Babin, Morris Lewis Professor of Marketing at Ole Miss Business. His most cited article is titled “Multivariate data analysis” and has been cited 114142 times since 1998.
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The fifth author is Robert Kaplan, Professor at Harvard Business School. The title of his most cited paper is “The balanced scorecard: measures that drive performance” which has been cited 22144 times since 1992.
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Tag:business, business management, cikd, ICNDBM, management, marketing