World’s Deadliest Environmental Threats-1
Our Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of environmental threats and the only way to survive the crisis is to talk and think about the problems honestly and seriously.
Our environment is constantly changing. There is no denying that. However, as the environment changes, so does the need for increasing considerations to resolve the problems.
Global warming is definitely one of the main environmental issues that we are dealing with. The earth is getting warmer and we, as humans, are responsible for a large part of this problem.
However, global warming is not the only problem we have to worry about. Around the world, people face various challenges on a daily basis. Some of these problems are minor and affect only a limited part of the ecosystem. But most of them are so dangerous and threatening that they change the nature we remember.
Our planet has been poisoned and is on the brink of an environmental crisis. The current environmental problems have made us so vulnerable that disaster lurks around the corner. Our planet is in a state of emergency. The only way to survive the crisis is to talk and think about the problems honestly and seriously. The current environmental issues require immediate attention!
1. Pollution
It takes millions of years to eliminate air, water and soil pollution. The exhaust gas from vehicles and factories are at the forefront of air pollution. Air pollution comes from the gases that factories and industries produce from burning fossil fuels. Soil pollution happens when industrial waste is added to the soil and deprives it of nutrients. Heavy metals, nitrates, and plastics are toxic substances that also cause pollution.
2. Population Growth
World Population growth has reached a critical threshold, resulting in a shortage of resources such as water, fuel and food. The exploded population in less developed and developing countries are devouring the scarce resources. Uncontrolled agricultural activities, use of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides have damaged the environment.
Of all of the environmental challenges facing the planet today, overpopulation is often neglected. As consumers increase, so does the need for natural resources to feed them.
3. Global Warming
Human activity causes climate change, including global warming, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. Global warming increases the temperature of the oceans and the surface of the earth, resulting in the melting ice from both poles. The result is an increase in sea levels and the creation of abnormal weather patterns such as severe floods, heavy snowfall or desertification.
4. Depletion of Natural Resources
Lack of natural resources is another issue to consider while examining the reasons for environmental threats. Total fossil fuel consumption is currently reaching its highest level possible, leading to nothing but climate change and global warming. Around the world, people are turning to use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biological gases and geothermal energy. The cost to build and maintain the infrastructure of these resources has dropped dramatically in recent years.
5. Waste
Overuse of resources and the creation of plastic is a major problem for the earth. Developed countries are notorious for producing large amounts of waste and dumping it into the oceans. Nuclear energy waste is the most dangerous of these wastes, causing many health issues. Plastic waste, fast food, electronic packaging and microprocessors threaten human life. Waste is one of the most dangerous environmental threats around the globe.
6. Climate Change
Climate change is another environmental threat that has its origins back in past decades. This problem is caused by global warming, which itself is the result of rising atmospheric temperatures due to the production of toxic gases in factories and fossil fuels. Climate change has many serious effects not limited to polar ice melting, changing seasons, the emergence of new diseases, successive floods and changing climate flows.
7. Deforestation
Forests are a critical absorber of carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen. They also contribute to climate regulation and precipitation. Currently, forests cover about 30 percent of the land surface but are being lost every year as the population grows and people need more food, housing and clothing.
8. Ozone Depletion
The Ozone Layer is an invisible protective layer that surrounds the Earth and protects us from harmful sun rays. Chlorine- and bromine-containing chemicals destroy ozone molecules. As these toxic gases reach the top of the atmosphere, they create a hole in the ozone layer, the largest of which is located above Antarctica. In many industries and consumer products, the use of CFCs is banned. Because the ozone layer prevents harmful UV rays from reaching the Earth’s surface.
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