Web of Science released this year’s Highly Cited Researchers list on November 19. Those whose names are on the list are influential and successful researchers, with their career probably going well!
The h-index is an author-level metric that was invented in 2005 by Jorge Eduardo Hirsch, an Argentine-American professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego.
Paraphrasing means rewriting someone else’s ideas in your own words, with the meaning of the original text untouched. Remember, paraphrasing does not mean removing words from paragraphs and replacing them with new ones; rather, paraphrasing is actually expressing what you have understood from a text or manuscript.
Unauthorized use of the sources and ideas of an original publisher is an unethical and inappropriate act. If you have used an article directly or without mentioning the original author’s name, you commit plagiarism, which will reduce your article’s score.
Quality – Access to Success is a twenty-years-old journal edited by Romanian Society for Quality Assurance – SRAC.
Unethical authorship is described as academic misconduct, through which a person who has not contributed to the research is included in the research as an author; however, a genuine contributor to the research is excluded from the list of authors of the study.
It is important to know the order of writing the names of the authors in multi-authored papers, since on many occasions, including a Ph.D. interview, the authors will be graded according to the order of their names written in the ISI paper.
Academic dishonesty is not justified under any circumstance. According to the rules of any academic institution, the consequences of being caught can be devastating for students. For this, teachers and respective authorities are responsible to enhance students’ knowledge about academic dishonesty and help them avoid committing such a wrong act!
Academic misconduct is used against academic honesty which is a kind of code of conduct to be followed by members of the academic community and is a necessary foundation for all academic institutions.
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