26 December

Scholarship Application Tips

It’s no secret that scholarships are one of the absolute best ways to pay for college. Unlike student loans, scholarships don’t need to be paid back and they offer free no-strings-attached money.

22 December

Research Tools 1: Observation

Collecting data is one of the most important components of research. Good data plays a significant role in gaining insight on the on the existing problem or opportunity. Lack of good data limits the effectiveness of other data tools. Data is vital in every step of the entire process.

16 December

Scopus’ Best Sources in Economy

Scopus can help you with the platform and analytical tools to showcase and leverage research quickly, Whether it’s to discover funding information, advance your career, make strategic decisions, prove ROI or simply to save time, being able to quickly access and make sense of emerging trends, find collaborators and discover competitive insights is crucial.

15 December

Publication Identifier 3: DOI

Understanding a DOI is important when doing specific research. It is a unique code for each article that is like a fingerprint for that article. The DOI acts as a barcode to identify articles online.