Alexandre Dolgui_2

Alexandre Dolgui

Professor, IMT Atlantique, France

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Dr. Alexandre Dolgui is a Full Professor of Exceptional Class and the Deputy Director of LIMOS UMR CNRS 6158 and Henri Fayol Institute at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France).

His research focuses on manufacturing line design, production planning, and supply chain optimization.

His main results are based on the exact mathematical programming methods and their intelligent coupling with heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms.

He is the co-author of 5 books, the co-editor of 14 books or conference proceedings, the author of 188 refereed journal papers, book chapters, and editorials as well as over 360 papers in conference proceedings. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Production Research, an Area Editor of Computers & Industrial Engineering, and an Associate Editor of Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, past Associate Editor of International Journal of Systems Science (2005-2008), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2006-2009) and Omega-the International Journal of Management Science (2009-2012), consulting Editor of the International Journal of Systems Science (2009- ).

He is Member of the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, International Journal of Simulation & Process Modelling, International Journal of Engineering Management & Economics, Journal of Decision Systems, Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Algorithms, Journal of Operations and Logistics, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management & Production Engineering Review, etc. Fellow of the European Academy for Industrial Management, Member of the Board of the International Foundation for Production Research, Chair of IFAC TC 5.2 Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control, Member of IFIP WG 5.7 Advances in Production Management Systems. Guest editor of special issues of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research and Annual Reviews in Control; he was General Scientific Chair of the 12th IFAC symposium INCOM’06, Chairman of International Program Committee of SCM’02, MOSIM’04, INCOM’09, INCOM’12, IESM’13, MIM’13, and INCOM’15, Chairman of Organizing Committee of the International Conference MOSIM’01 and ROADEF’2011; last ten years, he was Member of Program Committees of over 150 International Conferences, etc. He has been responsible for the French national CNRS working group on the Design of Production Systems (with about 336 individual members) and the regional project on Design and Management of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems.focuses on manufacturing line design, production planning, and supply chain optimization. His main results are based on the exact mathematical programming methods and their intelligent coupling with heuristics and metaheuristics algorithms. He is the co-author of 5 books, the co-editor of 14 books or conference proceedings, the author of 188 refereed journal papers, book chapters, and editorials as well as over 360 papers in conference proceedings.

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