Ridha Mahjoub
A. Ridha Mahjoub is a Professor of Operations Research and Combinatorial Optimization at the Paris-Dauphine University, France and member of the LAMSADE laboratory CNRS. His research areas include the theory and applications of polyhedral approaches for solving large NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems, linear and integer programming, network design as well as complexity and graph theory. His publications have appeared in numerous leading journals and he serves as Associate Editor for the journal RAIRO-Operations Research.
Field of research
His research work is related to operational research, combinatorial optimization, mathematical programming, graph theory, and algorithm complexity. These branches of optimization have had considerable development in the last three decades. Several methods that have been developed have proved to be effective for modeling, analyzing and approaching combinatorial problems (whose underlying structure is usually a graph) coming from different domains such as transport, production, telecommunication, biology, etc. In particular polyhedral techniques in combinatorial optimization have been used successfully to solve difficult problems (NP-hard). They now constitute the basic tool for the practical resolution of these problems. These methods make it possible to reduce a combinatorial optimization problem to the resolution of a linear program by the complete description of the solution polyhedron by a system of linear inequalities. Such a description is generally difficult to obtain. However, a partial characterization of a polyhedron, used as part of a Branch & Cut method (Branch & Bound), can sometimes be sufficient to solve the problem at the optimum. Indeed, these approaches have solved in recent years problems of large sizes hitherto insoluble, as for example the famous problem of the commercial traveler. They have also been applied effectively to solve practical operational research problems such as touring problems and telecommunication network design problems. as for example the famous problem of the traveling salesman. They have also been applied effectively to solve practical operational research problems such as touring problems and telecommunication network design problems. as for example the famous problem of the traveling salesman. They have also been applied effectively to solve practical operational research problems such as touring problems and telecommunication network design problems.
His work is part of this line of research. They concern the modeling and polyhedral and algorithmic study of operational research and combinatorial optimization problems, the development of Branch & Cut resolution methods for these problems and the implementation of these methods.
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