Maxwell-Reid Corinne
Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Maxwell-Reid Corinne was a member of our scientific committee in NTELT conferences.
She is an assistant professor in the faculty of education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to this she taught variously in secondary schools, tertiary institutions and adult education of Hong Kong, mainland China, Europe, and the middle east. Her research interests include: written discourse, bilingual education, classroom language learning, and the use of systemic functional linguistics to investigate these areas.
Other former associations
Maroi Agrebi
Associate Professor in Computer Science
Mehdi Riazi
Professor, Linguistics, Macquarie University, Australia
Müge Satar
Associate Professor at Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Nadežda Stojković
ESP lecturer University of Nis; Editor-in-Chief TESAP journal; Advisory Editor Cambridge SP; Invited Professor Lithuania

Nick C. Ellis
Professor of Psychology; Professor of Linguistics; Research Scientist, English Language Institute

Maria González
Senior Lecturer in Foreign Languages, University Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain

Panchanan Mohanty
Prof. Panchanan Mohanty, Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Maha Ellili
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instructions at Qatar University
Khawlah Ahmed
Associate Professor, English Language and Literature, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Kenan Dikilitaş
Assistant Professor, ELT Department, Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul, Turkey
Reza Kiani Mavi
Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University (ECU) – Editorial Board of Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Perth, Australia
Ken Hyland
Professor of Applied Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
Roger Nunn
Professor | Head of Department PhD in TEFL, University of Reading, UK
Susanne Shunnaq
Sultan Qabos Universuty Arts And Social Sciences

Yongcan Liu
University Lecturer in Second Language Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

Joseph Siegel
Assistant Professor, Aston University, USA

Jonathan Newton
Associate Professor, University of Wellington, Newzealand

John I. Liontas
Associate professor of foreign languages, University of South Florida, USA
Johannes Angermuller
Professor, University of Warwick
Hosni Mostafa El-Dali
Associate Professor, United Arab Emirates University

Fernanda Otília de Sousa Figueiredo
Assistant professor, School of Economics and Management, Porto University

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Dwight Atkinson
Professor of English, University of Arizona, USA

Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak
Assistant professor, Koszalin University of Technology
Dara Tafazoli
PhD in Languages & Cultures, University of Cordoba, Spain
Ching-Yi Tien
Assistant Professor, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Carolin Fuchs
Assistant professor, City University of Hong Kong
Zeina Hojeij
Associate Professor at Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Carmen Medina
Professor, Higher Colleges of Technology
Instructional Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Akbar Rahimi Alishah
Istanbul AydinÜniversitesi, Turkey
Adam Soruç
Associate Professor, Sakarya University, Turkey
Abdelghani Ammar Remache
Assistant Professor of English & French, Al Ain University of Science and Technology